Great Mother Seed Ritual

There is a mystery path living deep within your feminine body.

Place your fingertips upon your encoded rhythm,
feel it lead you into the darkness…
into the fertile,
fecund soil of Great Mother.
Listen, beloved.
 Listen to the silence.

Do you hear Her beckoning you?

She whispers:
Come, lie in my loving embrace…
Come, plant the seeds of your dreams
into my dark womb.
Come, feel the starlight of your heart
enter your personal mystery.

The wheel has turned again; a new year is arriving … and you’re invited to sit in the Mystery with to receive your three unique, sacred seed words from Great Mother…

These three seeds are the words your soul whispers to you, beckoning new growth. They hold dreams that are to become the fruits of your harvest.

The “seeds” you consciously and lovingly plant in January will take root and grow, catalyzing and initiating you into great beauty throughout the year–from seedling to sapling, to full-grown plants, to blooming flowers and ripening fruits.

This is the undulating, mythic rhythm of life that nurtures and supports you as you tune-in and hear the whispers of your Essence.

Come, surrender & receive what wishes to be birthed within you

Discover what will be seeded, grown, and harvested this year

Discover what will be seeded, grown, and harvested this year

During our annual Great Mother Seed, you will:
  • Journey to the Great Mother
  • Receive your unique three “seeds” (words)
  • Be invited to use your “seed” words to embrace, embody, and activate your Essence this year
  • Join a collective, amplified ritual to plant these seeds in the temple garden
  • Remember the Divine Feminine mysteries encoded in your body
  • Understand how traveling the Wheel of the Year & all the high holydays support your seeds (intentions/words) to grow & blossom throughout each season so that your gifts may shine

You are the mystery:

This life is the story of your creation … all held in your seeded dreams
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