Remembering the scent priestess lineages:

The Modern-Day Magdalenas & Myrrhophores

A free, online dialogue with
Thursday, Nov. 14 2024 | 10 AM PT

The Magdalenas Have Awakened...

Over the last 20 years, there’s been a potent renaissance of Mary Magdalene.

She calls out to those of us in pursuit of the Divine Feminine as we yearn for a more integrated, embodied spirituality.

Beyond Mary Magdalene herself, there’s a rising energy of the collective, archetypal Magdalene–the Sophia consciousness.

She’s here to unveil the gift of your full, embodied presence … She calls you to be fully human, whilst recognizing your divinity.

We’ve identified 6 different faces of the archetypal Magdalene.

Which are you?
Discover how

Mary Magdalene

expresses herself
through you


6 powerful Magdelena archetypes can be your guides, your allies,
and your support system to navigate the constellation of who you are.
They reveal soul gifts and challenges that
illuminate in a way very specific to you.

Which one is revealing herself the most to you, right now?

Maybe it’s the Red Maven,

the Creatrix, connecting to the red thread of the Original Mother.

or the High Priestess,

with her ability to be a clear channel, an oracle.

Perhaps the Sovereign Queen,

with her aligned power and self-honor.

...the The Rosa Mystica,

with her awakened, open heart.

...the Ecstatic,

an alchemist of embodied eros.

...Or maybe even the Death Maiden,

who understands the magic of stillness.

When you get to know these different aspects of the Magdalene, you’ll have a counsel of 6 living goddesses within you, advising and grounding you in your innate feminine insight and wisdom.

Discover your unique gifts & get a free, gorgeous guide with your:

  • Basic powers
  • Rite of passage/reclamation
  • Wound & Healing
  • Reclamation Prayer
  • And more…
Remembering the scent priestess lineages:

The Modern-Day Magdalenas & Myrrhophores

A free, online dialogue with
Thursday, Nov. 14 2024 | 10 AM PT


Ancient Scent Priestess

lineages revealed

The Scent Priestesses are reawakening to their aromatic traditions, remembering the art of anointing as vibrational healing, combined with self-blessing and intuitive awakening through the use of holy oils.

Join Diana DuBrow and Elayne Kalila as they reveal 13 Scent Priestess lineages … some going back thousands of years before Biblical times, in the great cultures of Sumer, Babylon, Canaan, and Egypt.

Why are these lineages important?

How can reclaiming them support you and our world, now?

2 potent lineages to guide us in modern times:

The Myrrhophores & Magdalenes

Our world is, and has been, in crisis. People feel alone, isolated, and disconnected from themselves, one another, Mama Gaia, and the Divine.

It’s a kind of disassociation, a forgetting of who we truly are, causing a deep ache in the heart of humanity.

There’s much in need of repair … requiring a loving, hands-on devotion to heal. We feel this deeply in our bodies, because as priestesses, we hold the portal for the old world to die and a new one to be born. This is challenging, transformational work.

Thankfully, many of us have been remembering two ancient, profoundly interconnected, Scent Priestess lineages that have historically shown us how to tend to ourselves, and the collective, during times of great change and transition: The Myrrhophores and Magdalenes.

The 3,000-year-old secret sect of anointing priestesses, the Myrrhophores,
is believed to have initiated the Magdalene as a
Scent Priestess within the Order of the Rose.

Explore these two, rich lineages with Diana, Elayne, and Jacquie, as they share how the Myrrhophores and the Magdalenes, alongside the other 11 Scent Priestess lineages, can guide us in our modern lives.

Scent & touch, offered in the sacred art of anointing, are two of the most powerful sensory medicines...

They open us to the wisdom of our soul,
while keeping us grounded in the here and now.

The Myrrhophores knew this.

The Magdalenas knew this.

All scent priestesses know this.

Many of us are now heeding the call to journey along the Path of Love, as Scent Priestesses, shepherding humanity in its next cycle of growth–via holy touch and sacred scent.

During this Powerful Conversation, You'll:

  • Learn about the 7,000+-year-old anointing practices and use of holy oils by priestesses of 13 diverse lineages (from the temples of Asherah, Aphrodite & Quan Yin, Bridget, Avalon, Oracles of Delphi, Hawaiian Wahines, Maya, Egypt, and more…)
  • Explore the connection between the Magdalene & the Myrrhophore lineages: both transition priestesses deeply needed to provide a social & spiritual role at this time
  • Discover the Myrrhophores/Grief Walkers/Death Maidens lineage—holy healers who were awakened aromatic alchemists, serving as transition priestesses
  • Learn about Magdalena lineage & Mary Magdalene as a “WatchTower” woman, awakening within us to guide us back to the ancient practice of anointing
  • Invoke many diverse lineages of priestesses throughout time
    Feel your connection to the ancient/future path of spiritual awakening and leadership
  • Deepen into the presence of the Magdalene as a collective energy of Divine Feminine embodiment and sacred union
  • Remember what it means to serve & bless others as a Scent Priestess & this important ceremonial function
  • Be invited to further explore the Rosa Mystica Scent Priestess path

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