After 2,000 years of being exiled, reviled, and shamed, Mary Magdalene returns within us.
She returns from her time in the darkness—resurrected, renewed, and potentized.
She’s here to support you as you reclaim the sacred, feminine magic and mysteries that have been long feared, judged, and cast out.
She’s ready to share the depths of the Sacred Rose with you so you can step into your fullness.
Throughout this self-study course, the Magdalene will guide you as you deepen your inner relationship with her as she lives within you.
The Magdalene is not only a historical woman; she’s also a collective avatar.
We see her in six unique faces and voices, serving as your guides, mentors, and initiators to awaken your unique, inner journey to reclaim your feminine magic.
Rosa Mystica has been a journey into my soul and spirit that is beyond words, beyond comprehension.
The oils, the temples, the sisterhood of compassionate witnessing – all are transmitting wisdom through my skin, deep into my cells and bringing me to a place of sacred remembrance of who I am and why we are here – to live a life of and be in service to….LOVE.
Rosa Mystica has been an extraordinary experience for me. Diana’s teachings about the holy oils and the history behind them is in itself priceless.
Elayne brings the richness of the not-so-known world of the Magdalenas, making it such a healing and magical experience for all of us on so many levels.
I am deeply moved by the divine feminine teachings and examples of Elayne Kalila, Diana and Jacquie. It has supported me in my own quest for feminine empowerment.
The oils are simply divine and really are the kiss of spirit on my body. I am honored to be in this circle of love.
This Mystery School has gifted me too many treasures to count!
The transmissions about history, the plants, the blessings and invocations and the support from the sister circle have all brought out the very best in me.
I have called back my divinity and my power and am making it useful. It is much easier to be perfectly human and perfectly divine when you are anointed and are the anointing one.
Diana, Elayne Kalila, and Jacquie are part of a Sisterhood circle of powerful women that bring together the potency and symphony of these amazing oils that Diana has channeled.
Each sacred oil brings me to a deeper understanding and an amplified experience of what it is to be a Priestess and an Oracle.
For me setting my feet upon the Rosa Mystica Path has been a homecoming.
The first temple unlocked something inside of me that unleashed my deepest truths. Within hours of the first Temple I was tested in the most delicious way and continue to step more closer and more purposeful with each temple I come into. My life has become a ceremony, every action filled with ritual and meaning.
I felt deeply called to RMMS but I really had no idea how profound the experience would be for me.
The Emerald Temple oils have become such an important part of my spiritual practice and personal self care that I can’t imagine not having them with me as I continue on my path of healing and personal development. For those who feel called to enroll in Rosa Mystica I can’t recommend it highly enough, your life will be profoundly changed for the better.
Priestess Presence and Rosa Mystica have become the culmination of decades attending personal women’s circles, travel to sacred sites in France, England and Crete, and healing work with essential oils. As many of my passions came to a halt with the Pandemic, I was divinely guided to find these Temples online. I could not have imagined that such powerful energy and transformation was possible via zoom. The monthly temples continue to be the bedrock of my spiritual practice.
Rosa Mystica is a glorious journey into the potent scent priestess lineage. Diana DuBrow, majestic Myrrhophore, sacred sage, and storyteller, spun her tales of mystical teachings so powerfully, light codes flashed and emanated from her eyes.
Her precious elixirs awakened ancient oracle memories that swirled around me like temple dancers in fervent prayer, worshiping the sun. The potions helped me embrace my gift of channeling, and activated my light language.
The Way of the Rose has been a spiritual homecoming. A profound learning/remembrance has been that Magdalene holds all the archetypes of the divine feminine with her.
This course has given me an intimacy with those archetypes that is beyond anything I have experienced before.
Rosa Mystica is a deeply unfolding journey into remembrance and the awakening of personal truth, accompanied by rich temples, embodied dance, and holy oils to stir and ignite the senses. In this, my third year, I have never felt such peace and deep reverence for myself as I do now. Blessings to Kalila, Diana, and Jacquie for an experience like none other.
“My experience in Rosa Mystica has been nothing short of transformational.
This has been the deepest journey of self love, self honoring and coming back home to myself that I have ever embarked on.
Rosa Mystica has gifted me the tools and support to integrate all of my parts, both my shadows and my light, allowing me to become the strong container that I’ve been seeking outside of myself for so long.
For me, entering our Temple is an ancient remembrance of myself as Magdalena and Priestess of the Rose. Our sisterhood not only re-anchors me into the culture I grew up in, but also weaves itself throughout the world’s cultures, in a beautiful tapestry of heart-devotion. The gift of anointing has not only been a professional upgrade, but a very personal befriending of the powerful healer within me.
Rosa Mystica has changed my life, putting me on the Priestess path. It is integral to my life now and I have stepped in as an apprentice enabling me to bring this work to the world.
Even though I have been deeply investigating the lost HERstory, legacy and practices of the Divine Feminine since 1979, never before have I discovered a platform with such comprehensive Feminine knowledge, practices, beauty–and integrity– as Rosa Mystica. This is due to the authentic knowledge, Remembrance, experience and skill of its Scent Priestess mentor-mothers, Diana, Elayne Kalila, and Jacquie.
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background on Mary Magdalene as a woman, gnostic gospel texts, and gnostic teachings
dedicated to each of the 6 Magdalena archetypes
explore the Christ, Christa, and Divine Union cards as an extra module
discover the Divine Sophia special aspect of the Magdalene
meditations, activations, and transmissions for each face of the Magdalene
trainings & practices
study guides, mini eBooks, altar cards, and journals on each of the archetypes
deepen with each of the 6 faces of the Magdalene & bring the wisdom into your body
I’m Elayne Kalila, Founder and Dean of the Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts & Temple, and co-founder of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School.
Your arrival here is not by mistake.
You must feel a resonant call. Many are called, but in my experience, it’s a rare few who dare to answer.
What has called you here?
I’m passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our modern lives so we can all step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence, and purpose.
If you know this is your path, welcome. Become part of a potent, living temple, devoted to awakening and embodying the vow of love within the mysteries of ecstatic devotion within the path of the Rosa Mystica.
We encourage you to spend about a month on each archetype, but you’re free to be as spontaneous as you wish and study whenever and however you like.
This depends on you and how much time you choose to spend. We have enough content that you could spend 6 weeks or longer going through it … because in truth, this is a lifelong curriculum.
Everything is housed in our private members’ only area, our Mothership. You’ll find the whole course there.
Everything will be open to you on the members’-only site immediately. Including all of your bonuses.
You’ll be given access to a private Facebook group only for those who are currently taking our self-study courses or are alumna of any of our programs. There’s weekly support and you’ll be able to post any of your questions or comments there for witnessing.
Your sense of value in this beautiful course is very important to us. If you find it doesn’t align with you, then we welcome your feedback and ask that you reach out to us directly so we can address your concerns.
We offer a complete refund within the first 7 days of purchase. No refund is issued after day 8.
Simply submit refund requests at with the subject line “Refund Request.”
The Priestess Presence LLC “Magdalene Rose: Reclamation of Your Feminine Magic” is a spiritual training. This program is not designed to treat any psychological or physical disorders.
The Priestess Presence LLC “Magdalene Rose: Reclamation of Your Feminine Magic” its founder, Elayne Kalila Doughty, is not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Participants must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Participants must understand that they are entering a training given in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline.