Summer Solstice

June 23, 2024
10AM PT, Zoom

(replay available)

Honey-gold liquid light
pours into your heart—
a soothing balm
illuminating, softening,
pollinating the fire of your desires.

Luxuriate in the beauty of your heart;
slip into the languid waters of unconditional love.
Bathe in the elixir of honeycomb light.

Come, celebrate the beauty of your Essence.

The wheel has turned again … and you’re invited to enter the holy day of Summer Solstice and relish in the beauty and abundance of what you’ve been manifesting since New Year.

Summer Solstice is the time where the Sun has reached the highest point in the sky. It’s a powerful time for us to nourish, celebrate, and honor—in wonder!—all that was seeded in January and now is in full bloom.

It’s a time to dance in celebration … to feel the golden rose-pink honeyed light of Her love upon us as we activate and amplify our gifts.

And now, we come together, just as we have for thousands of years, to celebrate our abundance. We’ll throw rose petaled-bliss in the air, filled with our open-hearted devotion, while honoring the full pollination of our desires.

Come, celebrate what has grown abundantly strong within you

Come, celebrate what has grown abundantly
strong within you

Discover the growing plant within, promising to flower & be harvested this year

During our annual Summer Solstice ceremony, you will:
  • Celebrate the cornucopia of your life
  • Identify all the great abundance in your heart that’s to be shared
  • Feel an overflow of devotion & gratitude
  • Access the frequency of divine intoxication
You are the mystery:
Pollinating new life, tending your wildest dreams … all held in the highest point of the golden sun

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