Samhain marks the time when we honor our ancestors and pass the first gateway to release the year. The soil hardens in the cold air. The growing season is over. Are you ready to release what no longer serves you?
Let the dead slip away. Lay it down. This is the blessing of Samhain.
The great wheel turns, inviting us to go within and allow ourselves to acknowledge all that has been seeded, grown, and harvested this year.
In the quiet dark, with each exhalation, we are asked to gracefully let go of anything extraneous so that we may prepare to make room for what is to come.
Come, honor what’s being released & reborn
Discover what’s now shedding, so new “skin ” can emerge
During our annual Samhain ceremony, you will:
Honor nature’s life cycle
Celebrate the thinning of the veils by honoring your ancestors & releasing what is complete
Listen to your ancestors and hear the wisdom they are sharing at this potent time
Enter the shroud of I release; I trust so you may receive what’s next
Deepen into remembrance of what we are called to release into the darkness
Ground your roots into the earth so they may be nourished
You are the mystery:
A shedding skin ready to be reborn in the seed of potential