The wheel has turned again … and you’re invited to enter the holy day of Imbolc and honor the promise of returning light.
We’ve arrived at the midpoint between Winter Solstice (Yule) and Spring Equinox (Ostara)—a sacred nexus where the portal opens, welcoming the first shimmer of light that glides across the darkness.
Just as the days are slowly growing longer in preparation for the crocus and snowdrops to push their delicately resilient blooms through the earth, we, too, are preparing for a new season, a new beginning.
And now, this Imbolc, just as we have for thousands of years, we come to celebrate the promise of Spring with our ancient priestess sister of Celtic roots, Brigid: She who stays present to all that has been hidden and to that which is yet to be revealed.
The Keeper of the flame, tending your wildest dreams … all held in the return of the Sun