Fall Equinox

September 22, 2024
12pm PT, Zoom
(replay available)

Feel the power of the harvest within your
blood, breath, and bones.
The wheel turns.
We feel all that has been sown, blossomed, and ripened
into the fruit of our deep longing and
The late summer sun
casts golden rays:
its sweetness dripping bounty into our lives.
We gather in deep gratitude.
We gather to fill our baskets
with the beauty
of the ripened year.

Fall Equinox marks the point of equal day and night … a time of balance and celebration of all that’s been born into the supple arms of Terra Gaia.

During this sacred nexus, portal doors are held open to honor the beautiful fruits (gifts) that are being harvested. Together, in gratitude, we celebrate what has come to fruition.

We, too, are harvesting; the seeds we planted in the womb of the New Year blossomed in the spring and summer; now they have ripened, laden with the fruit of joy and resplendent abundance.

Come, celebrate what is harvested

Discover the abundant harvest within, laden with abundance

During our annual Fall Equinox ceremony, you will:

  • Invoke the presence of the Queen of Harvest and receive Her blessings
  • Connect with the powerful turn of the wheel—a time to focus on what you’ve reaped and all you’ve received
  • Feel how the “seeds” planted at the beginning of the year are now ripened and ready for harvest
  • Weave the thread of the year, feeling the power of this practice both personally and collectively

You are the mystery:

Celebrating the harvest’s sun and its ripe wisdom within you, the temple, and the collective

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