The Path of the Alchemical Priestess:

Enter the Mystery Foundation

  • self – paced
  • self – study
  • priestess wounds
  • alchemy
  • divine feminine archetypes
  • shadow work
  • temple culture
  • embodied spirituality

Are you curious about the priestess initiate path?

Do you wish you could peek inside a modern mystery school?

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to dip your toes into the deep waters of the priestess—without delving straight into becoming a mystery school initiate—this self-paced program is just for you.

I’ve curated the best meditations, teachings, practices, skills, workbooks, and journals so that you can explore the foundations of priestess training, preparing you for initiate studies…

Because enrollment to our 12-month/multi-year priestess training is only open once a year, this is a profound opportunity to access all the materials you’d ever need to ready yourself for initiatory temple work.

We were temple priestesses…

In ancient times, our temples were in every corner of the earth, built in every form imaginable—from crystal, to open desert mesa, to the sacred springs that erupted in life from the depths of the Great Mother.

Our mothers and grandmothers took us to the temple as mystery school initiates to become adept in the rituals, arts, and ceremonies of the Goddess.

We lay in dream temples, dreaming our world into being.

With the rhythm of the waxing-waning of the moon, we bled together, speaking in languages of light and vibrational beauty.

We trained in astrology, magic, alchemy, divination, oracle, prophecy, second sight, energy, dreamwork, healing, herbal medicine, the blood mysteries, sacred sound, crystals, and sacred theater.

With the love of the Goddess radiating from us,

we healed and reminded others of their wholeness.

We sat with the scorned.

We aided the ill.

With embodied grace, we held the Mystery in our hearts and wombs.

All of us—men, women, two-spirits, every being—bowed to the Goddess.

We loved Her, honored Her.

Do you remember?

Our temples & mystery schools were systematically destroyed by the patriarchy & church

The winds bit like the sting of a scorpion.
You could taste the bitter air, ripe with blood and fire.
Iron and ash were on the edge of the horizon.

There was an infiltration of fear, swift and sly as a trained intruder.
Eeriness spread, dense as a poisonous fog.
Our sacred spaces became vacant, mired with hostility.
Our music dimmed to hushed chanting prayers.

Fear howled on the ethers, ricocheting across the plains.
We recognized the chill in our bones…
It became the deepest winter of winters.

–The Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess, Elayne Kalila & Rebecca Cavender

With the rise of the patriarchy and their solar gods, our goddess temples were destroyed.

We were punished, maimed, tortured, killed.

In the last 2,000-4,000 years, all forms of priestess arts and folk medicine became outlawed and banished…

The Goddess and Her priestesses went underground for thousands of years.

Without our sisterhood and temples, it became easy to believe lies the toxic patriarchy told us to stifle our freedom and feminine power.

We’ve been conditioned to distrust our intuition and our innate wisdom.

We still feel the repercussions of this today.

You probably recognize some of these priestess wounds:

You probably recognize some of these priestess wounds:

  • Something “wrong” with you
  • Powerlessness, domination
  • Innate unworthiness
  • Shame of body, intuition, sexuality
  • Not being enough
  • Being “too much”
  • Deep-seated fear of being seen

These stories keep you shackled to a lie, shielding the undeniable truth of your beauty, essence, power, and magic.

These stories keep you shackled to a lie, shielding the undeniable truth of your beauty, essence, power, and magic.

Are you drawn to or repelled by the word, priestess?

Perhaps you’re magnetized to this word…

Maybe it arouses a deep fear within you.

Priestess can evoke ancient memories of joy, devotion, and even painful wounds surrounding sisterhood, your gifts and magic, your freedom of expression, and your purpose.

If you feel a wave of grief or fear, you may hold somatic and epigenetic scars—an imprinted memory because of being ripped from our temples and each other.

With the Goddess seemingly forgotten by much of the world, it makes sense that you
may be confused or unsure of where to begin…

No wonder so many of us in these modern times are seeking mystery schools so we can remember who we are, remember our magic, and heal our priestess wounds.

The Goddess has risen again … and so have we!

This is a rare opportunity to study with a living priestess lineage & reclaim the temple traditions
This program will give you a place to begin unpacking some of this and help you access the keys to unlocking your priestess path.
We must address the horrifying demise of the Feminine in the last few thousand years at the hands of the patriarchy … and heal any of the wounds that keep us “small,” afraid, hidden, and feeling like we don’t belong.

Reclaim the parts of yourself you’ve disowned

Find a deeper connection to your soul

Liberate yourself from past limitations

Begin to address any Priestess wounds

Come, Priestess: Stand in your brilliant, illuminated, natural, embodied state.

This is the homecoming you’ve been yearning for.

Welcome home to this temple, beloved.

Will you choose to enter the potent mysteries of the Divine Feminine?

We have been waiting for your arrival, dear one.

Come, let us tell you a story.
Let us bring you to the remembrance of who you really are.

–The Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess, Elayne Kalila & Rebecca Cavender

Meet 13 divine feminine archetypes

These 13 divine feminine archetypes will serve as your guides, mentors, and initiators to awaken your unique, inner mythic journey.

During this self-study, you have the opportunity to:

Experience studying in a living temple…
before committing to become a full initiate of the Goddess.

Remember & reclaim mystery school teachings


Receive guidance, embodiment rituals, activations, and all of this

Orientation materials

background on mystery school work

13 temple experiences

dedicated to each of the 13 Divine Feminine archetypes


alchemy, divine feminine embodiment, shadow work


meditations, activations, and transmissions


trainings & practices


on specific priestess skills

Gorgeous materials

study guides, mini eBooks, altar cards, and journals on each of the archetypes

Creative inspiration & embodiment rituals

spoken word transmissions, QiGong archetypal practices, archetypal art

And these incredible bonuses

Sacred Call of the
Ancient Priestess:
Birthing a New Divine Feminine Archetype eBook

The temple’s #1 best-selling book is an offering of deep, loving devotion from the Goddess to you. It was written for you. It belongs to you.

Co-authored by Elayne Kalila & Rebecca Cavender

Sacred Myth: A Treasure Within

Enjoy this powerful series of videos of Elayne Kalila reading the Alchemical Priestess myth—a new myth for our modern times (from the book above)

The Initiation Journey: Catalyze, Liberate, and Illuminate Your Sacred Purpose

Explore this potent mini-course with 3 altar cards, 2 guides (PDFs) and a liberatory meditation

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This is for you if you:

This is for you if you:

  • Are ready to enter a robust, transformational self-study
  • Yearn to connect to the ancient world the Goddess, archetypes, alchemy, and embodied spirituality
  • Want to know how to apply priestess skills & practices into your daily life in a tangible way
  • Are curious about what studying to be a priestess is like, before completely committing to being an initiate
  • Feel drawn to the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth
  • Desire to heal the priestess wounds
  • Seek preparation to become a priestess initiate

You don't have to wait until our next
enrollment for Enter the Mystery...
you can start right now!

As soon as you register, you’ll have immediate access to all of the content and begin feeling the power of this work.

Study in whatever way fits within your life and at your own pace.

Jump around spontaneously to the archetypes that magnetize you the most, or go in order.

You choose!

Take all the time you need (we recommend spreading it out across a year).

So, dive in, beloved!

Join Us

Your guide, Elayne Kalila

I’m Elayne Kalila, Gatekeeper of the Priestess Presence Temple, and Focalizer of the Enter the Mystery Priestess Initiate Training, a dedicated temple of the 13 Moon Mystery School.™

Your arrival here is not by mistake.

You must feel a resonant call. Many are called, but in my experience, it’s a rare few who dare to answer.

What has called you here?

Priestessing is for those who dare to remember their Bigger Self and enter a state of transformation.

I’m passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our modern lives so we can all step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence, and purpose.

If you know this is your path, welcome. Become part of a potent, living temple, devoted to awakening and embodying the vow of love within the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth,


Elayne Kalila Doughty

Join Elayne Kalila as she guides you through the foundational principles of alchemy & shadow work within 13 Divine Feminine archetypes, awakening greater-than-imagined soul awareness.



We encourage you to spend about a month on each archetype, but you’re free to be as spontaneous as you wish and study whenever and however you like.

  • Welcome
  • Ancient Call of the
  • Priestess eBook
  • Sacred Myth Telling
  • Intro to Study Guides
  • The Initiation Journey mini-course
  • What’s a mystery school?
  • What’s the path of a priestess?
  • Who is the modern-day priestess?
  • Training as a priestess
  • Modern-day alchemist
  • The 13 Moon Mystery School
  • What does it mean to be an initiate?
  • Alchemy
  • Archetypes
  • Divine Feminine embodiment
  • Shadow work
  • A Brief Herstory of the Priestess Wound


  • Study guide
  • Seed activation audio
  • Transmission
  • Great Mother Gateway
  • Meet the Great
  • Mother audio Deepen with the Great
  • Mothers Embrace audio journey
  • Grounding meditation
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: Empty Presence
  • Spoken word: Ground


  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Goddess of Compassion Gateway
  • Meet the Goddess of Compassion audio
  • Deepen with the Goddess of Compassion audio journey
  • Expanding meditation
  • Goddess of Compassion – How She Initiates Us 
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill Training video: Feeling Navigation, Resonance +Coherency
  • Spoken word: Kindness


  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Priestess Gateway
  • Meet the Priestess audio
  • Deepen with the Priestess audio journey
  • Detox on the out breath meditation
  • Priestess – How She initiates us
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill Training video: Remembrance
  • Spoken word: Center



  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Creator Destroyer Preserver gateway
  • Meet the Creator Destroyer Preserver audio
  • Deepen with the Creator Destroyer Preserver audio journey
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: awaken the open heart
  • Spoken word: Focus


Intention & Empower

  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Lady of Communion gateway
  • Meet the Lady of Communion audio
  • Deepen with the Lady of Communion audio journey
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: authentic power & sovereign alignment 
  • Spoken word: Sovereignty


Play & Inspiration

  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Muse gateway
  • Meet the Muse audio
  • Deepen with the Muse (journey)
  • Muse – How She initiates us
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: devotion & blessing 
  • Spoken word: Magic


Unconditional Love & Intimacy

  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Goddess of Love gateway
  • Meet the Goddess of Love audio
  • Deepen with the Goddess of Love (journey)
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: Awaken the Open Heart 
  • Spoken word: Love 



  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Primal Goddess gateway
  • Meet the Primal Goddess audio
  • Deepen with the Primal Goddess (journey)
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: Instinctual Body
  • Spoken word: Divine Passion in You


Integrity & Alignment

  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Initiator gateway
  • Meet the Initiator audio
  • Deepen with the Initiator (journey)
  • Initiator- How She initiates us
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: Integrity & Truth 
  • Spoken word: Your Life is the Initiation



  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Wise Woman gateway
  • Meet the Wise Woman audio
  • Deepen with the Wise Woman audio journey
  • Wise Woman- How She initiates us
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: Heart Knowing
  • Spoken word: Quintessence



  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Weaver Dreamer gateway
  • Meet the Weaver Dreamer audio
  • Deepen with the Weaver Dreamer journey
  • Weaver Dreamer – How She initiates us
  • Qi Gong practice
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: Time Bending & Fractal Embeddedness
  • Spoken Word: Dreaming



  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Queen of Death gateway
  • Meet the Queen of Death audio
  • Deepen with the Queen of Death audio journey
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: non-attachment 
  • Spoken word: Shed Your Skin



  • Study guide
  • Transmission
  • Alchemical Goddess gateway
  • Meet the Alchemical Goddess audio
  • Deepen with the Alchemical Goddess journey
  • Workbook
  • Altar card
  • Journal
  • Skill training video: Ecstasy, Bliss, Freedom
  • Spoken word: Divine Purpose
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Come, beloved...

This depends on you and how much time you choose to spend.

Everything is housed in our private members’ only area, our Mothership. You’ll find the whole course there.

Everything will be open to you on the members’-only site immediately. Including all of your bonuses.

Here are my tips for you to deeply benefit from this rich program:

  • Choose a regular time every week to dedicate to watching the videos, reading handouts, and deepening practices. As with any practice, we get out what we put in!
  • Let yourself be drawn to offerings that speak to you. Trust what is “pinging “ you. There is a richness of handouts, meditations, and extra content that you will want to keep revisiting for the months to come. You don’t have to get to all of it in one go.
  • Take time to answer the reflection questions at the end of each module. This will help you deepen with what you’re learning.
  • Do come on over to the FB Temple page and be part of our larger sisterhood. Share what you are deepening with. There is a wealth of beauty there for you.
  • Connect with us! Let us know what you’re loving. I love receiving communication from you as you deepen on your journey.

You’ll be given access to a private Facebook group only for those who are currently taking our self-study courses or are alumna of any of our programs. There’s weekly support and you’ll be able to post any of your questions or comments there for witnessing.

Your sense of value in this beautiful course is very important to us. If you find it doesn’t align with you, then we welcome your feedback and ask that you reach out to us directly so we can address your concerns.

We offer a complete refund within the first 7 days of purchase. No refund is issued after day 8.

Simply submit refund requests at with the subject line “Refund Request.”

We offer a complete refund within the first 7 days of purchase. No refund is issued after day 8.

Simply submit refund requests at with the subject line “Refund Request.”

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The Priestess Presence LLC “Path of the Alchemical Priestess: Enter the Mystery Foundation Program ” is an initiatory process for spiritual training. This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders. If you have any mental health issues please consult with your medical practitioner before joining the program. It requires breaking through old patterns and ways of being – an initiatory process that can feel uncomfortable. Our work affects many levels (mental and emotional), is rigorous and not for those who suffer from mental disabilities, depression, have suicidal episodes or are presently in therapy.

The Priestess Presence LLC “Path of the Alchemical Priestess: Enter the Mystery Foundation Program ”/ The 13 Moon Mystery School and its founder, Ariel Spilsbury, and Focalizer Elayne Kalila Doughty, are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Initiates must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Initiates must understand that they are entering into training in a pioneer field and all such training is given in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline.

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